Essex Wellbeing Service – in your area
The Essex Wellbeing Service recently relaunched and now has a handy search function called ‘In Your Area’, which allows you to enter your location to view local services in either a list or map format.

This page also includes ‘Live Well, Link Well’, which can help to find and connect to well-known support organisations across the county, such as United in Kind Coaches, HeadsUp and access to virtual support, plus much more. Please share this information with staff and families.

A short animation was recently have produced about the service and also explains the referral routes and the service ethos.

Healthy relationships support in Essex
In Essex we believe that family stability is the key to delivering the best outcomes for children and young people, and that good parental relationships (whether parents and carers are together or not) are at the heart of that stability.

Arguments and conflict between parents occur for a number of reasons and when they are managed and resolved there are few, if any, lasting effects on the relationship or on children. However, where arguments are frequent, intense, and poorly resolved, children can be affected in many different ways; they may feel responsible, become withdrawn, sad or angry. These effects can have many impacts including their ability to form and maintain healthy relationships of their own.

Visit the Healthy Relationships page where you can find resources, hints and tips and links to some new online digital programmes.

One Plus One – online digital courses

If you are a parent living in Essex and you need some guidance and resources to help you with managing stress and conflict in your relationship you can access online digital courses for free.

There are three courses to choose from:
• Me, You and Baby Too is for new and expectant parents.
• Arguing better is for parents who want help with stress and arguing.
• Getting it Right for Children is for separating or separated parents.

On the One Plus One page, choose the Central England map and then area you live in (Essex county, Southend-on-Sea or Thurrock). You will be able to access the courses via Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

Family Mediation Scheme

The Family Mediation Voucher Scheme is a time-limited scheme, designed to support parties who may be able to resolve their family law disputes outside of court.

The Government has set up the scheme in response to Covid-19 to support recovery in the family court and to encourage more people to consider mediation as a means of resolving their disputes, where appropriate.

To support this, a financial contribution of up to £500 towards the cost of mediation will be provided, if eligible.

Only mediators authorised by the Family Mediation Council (FMC) are taking part in the voucher scheme.

For more information click here

Essex Opportunities – Targeted and personalised employment support for parents
Targeted and personalised employment support is being offered to parents in Essex.

Parents can now book an appointment with a qualified Employment and Skills Advisor.

The advisor will provide online, telephone and outreach support. They will discuss individuals’ employment goals and aspirations and have in-depth knowledge of jobs opportunities, careers advice and skills and training. The advisor can also help with things like interview preparations and presentation of CVs.

If you would like to speak with an adviser for information, advice and guidance please call 03330 320509 or email

Or visit the Essex Opportunities website here.