Transtioning to adult services

Transition to adult services

For many young adults and their families, the move from children’s services to our adult counterparts can feel quite daunting as there is another ‘maze’ to navigate and you move away from some staff who may have known you for many years.

The transition to adult services may occur at different times for different services (dependent on how that service has been commissioned) and it is worth starting to have discussions about this ‘next step’ with staff in your services from around the age of 14, so that the transition can occur as smoothly as possible.

Below is a summary of what adult services may be available for your child and how to access them:


Click here to view our information leaflet on transitioning to adult physiotherapy services, including orthotics, wheelchair and equipment provision.

Speech and language therapy

Children who are under the care of our speech and language therapy team for either swallowing difficulties or communication and have an identified learning disability can be referred to the Adult learning disability team for their ongoing care.

Children who have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) with identified speech and language therapy needs, will continue to have these needs met and reviewed via funding from Essex County council.

If your child does not have an identified learning disability, they will be discharged from NHS services. Should their communication or swallowing difficulties significantly change after this time, please speak to your GP about an onward referral for review of the new concern. Adult services do not keep patients on their caseload on an ongoing basis and will address the concern and then discharge from their care.

Occupational therapy

Information coming shortly


Children under 16 years old can be supported by the Childrens Community Nursing services if they have a Nursing need and are under the care of a paediatrician and/or have a Mid Essex GP. Once that child turns 16 years their care will need to be transferred to adult services.

However Please Note: If your child is over the age of 16 but remains under care of paediatrician AND has Special Education Needs and/or Educational Health Care Plan in place, they may continue to receive our services until 18years old. Once they turn 18 years old a referral to the Adult Integrated Care team can be made if support is still required.)

Depending on your child needs will depend on whom their care moves on to, please see as follows for guidance:

Enteral need (your child has a gastrostomy/feeding tube and requires support and supplies):

  • Fresanius Kabi Nurses will examine stoma site if concerned.
  • Parents can contact Fresanius Kabi directly to manage supplies.
  • Your dietician can make amendments to your order.

If you are receiving other supplies via Essex Cares 2 monthly deliveries WE will arrange funding transition to Adult services. Some supplies may move over to be managed directly from your GP but we will organise this.

Blood sampling:

  • Your clinician should supply you with blood forms and your child may attend local phlebotomy services within the surrounding hospitals.

Oxygen supply

  • A referral to Adult Provide oxygen team will be made.


  • A referral to Adult Continence service will be made.


Information coming shortly


Information coming shortly

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