Starting Primary School

Your child starting school for the first time can be an exciting but daunting milestone, in their lives and yours! The biggest thing to remember is that it is a process not a single event and you can help prepare your child for school by talking about what may happen, showing them what they will where, visiting the school beforehand etc.

Our speech therapy team have pulled together some useful tips to help support your child in their transition to school and these can be found in the powerpoint presentation here. These ideas are particularly for children who have difficulties with their communication skills but may help any child.

It can also help your child (and their teachers!) if you can encourage them to be as independent as possible with their toileting and managing their own clothes, before they start school. Encourage your child to put their shoes on and off by themselves, demonstrate to them how to fasten them. Practice putting their clothes on and off and doing up buttons/zips. Try to make these activities fun and allow time for your child to have a go. Perhaps try practicing with fancy dress or your clothes. It will take them longer than you doing it, so these are best not tried as you are trying to get out of the door in a hurry!

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