Children’s Physiotherapy Service


The Children’s physiotherapy team assess, provide exercise programmes and advice for children and young people who have difficulties with their movement. We also advise on the provision of equipment and run the children’s orthotics and lycra service.

We promote holistic, 24 hour management of these conditions with the purpose of improving the independence, health and wellbeing of the child or young person.

Children’s Physiotherapy Service icon

We offer physiotherapy on an individual or group basis for neuro-developmental, muscular-skeletal and co-ordination difficulties.

Children and young people are seen at Provides Children’s Centre or, when a need arises, at their school, nursery or home.

We are trained in a variety of approaches, including Bobath, conductive education and the CO-OP approach.

We support children and young people post surgery, after Botox and with palliative-care needs.

24-hour postural management for neuro-developmental conditions is achieved through equipment provision, including exercise programmes.  Lycra garments and orthotic devices are supplied via clinics with visiting orthotists.

If your child needs assessing for more supportive footwear, insoles or splints to help support their foot position, they may be invited to our orthotics clinics. For more information please click here.

Our team

Our team includes qualified physiotherapists and assistants.

All children and young people are seen within 18 weeks and prioritised according to clinical need and age.

Team Members:

  • Lauren Twin – Team Lead for Children’s Physiotherapy
  • Danielle Sayers – Team Lead for Children’s Physiotherapy
  • Clare Morkill – Children’s Physiotherapist
  • Lauren Leach – Children’s Physiotherapist (Currently on Maternity leave)
  • Dani Tanner – Children’s Physiotherapist
  • Freya Bennett – Children’s Physiotherapist
  • Emma O’Regan – Children’s Physiotherapist (Currently on Maternity leave)
  • Maria Floreiu – Children’s Physiotherapist (SEND)
  • Lorna Moulton – Children’s Physiotherapist
  • Emily Bartle – Physiotherapy Assistant

Where you can Find Us

We run therapy clinics at a variety of locations, such as Stapleford House in Chelmsford, schools, children’s centres, nurseries, clinics or your child’s home.

Our service runs Monday to Friday, 8.00am-7.00pm. We are based at Stapleford House.

How to refer to the Children’s Physiotherapy service

Your child must be referred by a healthcare professional, such as a community or acute paediatrician, GP, health visitor or education staff.

If your child lives out of area but attends a special school within our area, they may be seen at school premises.

Contact Children’s Physiotherapy

Our service email:

Or please contact the Care Coordination Centre by calling 0300 1310 111, please select option 5 followed by option 1.

Useful contacts:

Chartered Society of Physiotherapy:
020 7306 6666

Related categories:


Health Needs

Movement & Coordination