Community Paediatrician Service


This service is for children 0-18 who have developmental problems or disabilities and associated health problems.

To be eligible they have to be registered with an NHS GP in the Mid Essex area.

Community Paediatrician Service icon


We are not able to treat children with acute medical illness or long-term health problems such as Asthma, Diabetes or immune disorders.

For premature babies with complex problems who are under the care of hospital paediatricians, shared care is offered after two years of age.

What does the service do?

Specialist Paediatricians undertake assessment, diagnosis and management of children with a wide range of developmental difficulties and disabilities (plus associated conditions) in the following clinical areas:

  • Developmental paediatrics including neurodisability (i.e. Cerebral Palsy, Downs Syndrome, chromosomal/genetic conditions and syndromes)
  • Neurodevelopmental disorders (i.e. Autism and ADHD)
  • Educational Paediatrics including statutory medical assessments and annual reviews of children with learning difficulties and/or complex additional needs

For further information and support for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, please visit the SEND Local Offer 

Our team

Our team is comprised of five Consultants, one Associate Specialist and five Clinic Assistants. The Clinic Assistants work alongside the paediatric team to support the doctors, take weight, height and blood pressure measurements and make sure that face-to-face contacts are child friendly.

The team is also helped by one/two other doctors (Specialist Registrars), who are on training placements from hospital settings.

Where you can Find Us

Clinics were routinely held in the following locations:

Stapleford House – Chelmsford

Crouch Vale Medical Centre – South Woodham Ferrers

Braintree NHS Livewell Hub – Braintree

How to refer to the Community Paediatricians?

The most common route for referral is through a GP. Other professionals including Health Visitors, School Nurses, Audiologists, Therapists and Tier 111 CAMHS are also able to access the service if they or you have any concerns.

Referrals are handled by the Care Coordination Centre

Contact Details

Telephone: 0300 1310 111.


How will the appointment be arranged?

When a new referral is received is is looked at to check it is appropriate for the Paediatric service (triaging). If further information is needed you will be contacted by Provide’s Care Coordination Centre (CCC) who may request the completion of questionnaires or school reports. Once this information has been gathered the CCC will contact you again, either by phone or letter, to give an appointment date and time.

If your appointment is face-to-face you will be given additional, specific instructions about attendence in order to keep you and your child safe.

What is helpful for the Paediatrician?

History taking is a very important part of the assessment process. It is helpful for parents/caregivers to be clear about the concerns they have, as well as the past medical, social and behavioural history of the child. The Paediatrician will also ask about the developmental milestones and educational progress. Having a written list to refer to when speaking with the paediatrican may be helpful.

Useful contacts:

Related categories:

Health Needs

Movement & Coordination
