Speech and Language Therapy and Dysphagia / Eating and Drinking Difficulties (EDD)
Our service offers support for children from 1-11 years of age in mainstream schools and between 1-19 years of age in special needs schools.
Children referred for difficulties with their eating, drinking and swallowing will be seen by a Specialist Speech and Language Therapist for a full assessment of their eating/drinking and swallowing skills.
The Service we offer
Children are usually seen for initial assessment within a clinic environment where a case history and mealtime observation/swallowing assessment will be carried out.
Some children may have more complex difficulties requiring further investigation. We may need to listen to your child’s swallowing using a stethoscope or refer on for an X-ray of the swallowing mechanism. Swallowing difficulties often need input from a range of different professionals and as such it may also be useful to refer to other professionals for additional assessment and advice such as Dietician, Physiotherapist, Occupational therapist, or Ear Nose and Throat Consultant.
A child’s individual needs will determine their need for therapy. If therapy is required it may involve contact with school or nursery settings as well as input with families in the home environment. Generally, following a full assessment, advice will be given and where appropriate a programme of therapy will be set up which will be reviewed on a regular basis.
Areas of difficulties we do not support
Whilst we can give general advice on weaning, restricted food acceptance, and mealtime behavioural issues, the first line of contact for these difficulties should be with your Health Visitor.
Contact us
If you feel your child may benefit from assessment and support with eating, drinking and swallowing you may refer directly to the Speech and Language Therapy team. However typically discussing your concerns with your child’s Health Visitor, GP or Consultant Paediatrician should be the first point of contact, following which, a referral to speech and language therapy may be made.
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Child Health Information Systems Quality and Safety
Child Health Information Systems Quality and Safety
Children’s Speech & Language Therapy
Community Paediatrician Service