Postural Management Equipment

Your therapist may feel that a child would benefit from a standing or walking frame or supportive seating to assist with their posture, independence and function. This equipment may play a part in their overall postural management programme – For further information on 24 hour postural management please click here

You may also find the following information sheets useful:

Association of Paediatric Chartered Physiotherapists – Standing Frames

Leckey – Posture, How it Develops, and The Reason We Sit

Supportive seating helps keep your child’s body aligned and protect against deformaties and pain. It can help with hand use, head control, feeding and eye contact. Supportive seating should always be set up by one of our therapists and you will be shown how to use the seat safely for your child. For more information on using supportive seating, please click here.

Standing frames are used by children who cannot stand on their own. They help keep the child’s posture aligned and reduce the risk of muscle shortening and joint contractures. They can help with reducing the risk of pressure sores, developing head and trunk control, hip joint development and reducing the risk of hip dislocation. They can also help with digestion and social interaction. For more information on standing frames and how to use them, please click here.

Adjusting Equipment

If you feel that a child’s equipment requires adjusting (due to growth or accidental moving of parts) then you should contact your therapist for advice. Some companies have provided some demonstration  videos that may also be of help but please always check with your therapist if you feel your child’s equipment needs adjusting.

For help adjusting a Leckey standing frame (Prone, Freestander, Horizon, Mygo, Squiggles, Totstander) or a Leckey MyWay walker, there are demonstration videos for each one in the Leckey Product Tutorials.

R82 has also provided demonstration videos for help adjusting the R82 Mustang walker and an R82 Crocodile walker.

There are many factors that go into choosing the right equipment for a child’s individual needs. However, here is a list of products that your therapist may consider:

Standing Frames:

Lecky Prone-stander

Lecky upright Freestander

Lecky Horizon Stander

Lecky Mygo Stander

Lecky Squiggles Stander

Lecky Squiggles Plus Stander

Lecky Totstander

R82 Gazelle Stander

R82 Rabbit Up Stander

Quest 88 Upi Multi Standing Frame

Jenx Kangaroo Upright Stander

Smirthwaite Whirl Stander

Smirthwaite Supro Stander


Quest 88 Kaye Walker

Quest 88 Rollator

R82 Mustang walker

R82 Crocodile walker

Lecky Myway walker

Lecky Kidwalk

Grillo walker

Rifton Pacer walker


There are a number of specialist seating options from the following manufacturers:



Sunrise Medical


Essex Cares Limited


Care and Independence


Car Seats

Provide therapists do not advise on specialist car seats however more information can be found at:

East Anglian DriveAbility – Younger Person Passenger Assessment

In Car Safety Centre


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