Essex SEND IASS are holding free parent workshops

‘Exploring Communication Differences. Sleep. Extraordinary Senses and Distressed Responses’
Monday 4 November online with Autism Specialist Teachers 7pm until 9:30pm

‘Move, play, stretch, feel, breathe, believe and relax.’
 Wednesday 6 November with Relax Kids at Pontlands Park Hotel  7pm until 9:30pm

Looking at how to Communicate with and support your child’
Thursday 28 November with Autism Central at The Lifehouse Hotel 10am until 12:30

Emotional resilience for parents of children with SEND
Tuesday 3 December online with 10am until 12:30 With  Natalie Fernando, qualified counsellor and writer of blog Better to be Different

Visit for enquiries or to book a place.

Register for Short Breaks offer expanded for children on diagnosis pathway for ASD in Essex. Visit  for days out and activity days at Essex Outdoors