Early Communication

young girl teacher reading a book to younger boy

There are many different features of communication for a child to develop in the first few years of their life, such as paying attention, looking, listening, non-verbal skills like facial expression or gesture, understanding social cues, play skills, learning or understanding words and pronouncing them. It starts as a young baby and children learn these skills at different rates and stages.

Parents can help to resolve difficulties their child might have by doing activities that practice those key skills and adapting their interaction.

As mentioned above, delayed language skills may not relate just to talking or expressive language skills. We would first want to consider whether early language skills such as attention and understanding words are affected. Language delay can occur in isolation, associated with other disorders or linked to environmental or genetic factors. Language delay can impact on learning literacy skills.

I CAN Webinars

I CAN are offering free webinars providing strategies and approaches that parents/guardians can try with their children. The offer consists of four webinars aimed at parents/guardians of children aged 18 months to 2 and a half years who are concerned about their child’s language development.

To access the webinars please click here

Also, as part of the EYSEND Partnership, ICAN is pleased to be offering training to early years SENCos, managers and early years practicioners to enable excellent support for SLCN in early years settings. For more details, click here.


 Natural Language Acquisition (NLA) Introduction Video

Natural Communication have a FREE FREE one-hour, pre-recorded introductory presentation that describes the overall concept of gestalt language processing (GLP). It provides an overview of the stages of NLA along with the concept of gestalt language processing (GLP).

You can access the video for free here

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